Scar Tissue Release and Healing

My reason for training in McLoughlin Scar Tissue Release® was a personal one.

A year after my grandson was born by emergency Caesarian Section in May 2018, my daughter was still suffering from discomfort along the length of her scar and, in addition, lower back pain. I wanted to be able to help her, so I searched for the most appropriate skills to help. I began the MSTR® training in July 2019 and received Certification in April 2020, having completed an examination and several case studies, one of whom was my daughter. Some research on using MSTR® on Caesarean Section scars can be found here.

Scars do not just arise from surgery

Accidents, wounds from wars and conflicts, personal attacks and many other traumas, including soft tissue damage or tears, plantar fasciitis, rotator cuff injury, disease and other medical conditions, can all leave scars behind.

Tattoos can also act as scar tissue. The body forms scar tissue as a natural response to trauma when the skin is lacerated or punctured either by accident or purposefully, eg surgery. The collagen being laid down during the repair process results in a thickened, fibrous mass, which, for some, can mean long-term effects on neural pathways, range of movement, blood and lymph flow, energy flow (Chi), loss and grief.

Additionally, the severing of delicate nerve tissue often results in dysthesia (nerve damage) of not only the scar but the adjacent, surrounding tissue. As the scar is fibrous and non-elastic, it will have a dragging and pulling effect on the bio-mechanical function of all physiological systems, particularly the fascial membrane covering muscles, organs and glands. Some MSTR® case studies can be seen here.

Each scar represents the event that created it and can potentially hold emotional trauma

Some examples are C-Section (both emergency and planned), hysterectomy, mastectomy, amputations, knife/bullet wounds or burns. There can often be long-term psychological and emotional reactions, including:

  • anger
  • fear
  • anxiety
  • depression
  • PTSD
  • shock
  • guilt
  • failure
  • trauma
  • low self-esteem and a sense of worthlessness
  • feelings of disconnection
  • sleep disturbances
  • loss of libido

These reactions are all coping mechanisms.

The MSTR® technique is an extremely gentle, hands-on treatment. During a session, I constantly liaise with the client to ensure they are comfortable and that my contact is well within their tolerance level. We only work for a short time, around 15 minutes. We then break to allow for integration, further palpation and examination. The work is then repeated once more. Two or three more sessions may possibly be required.

My approach is to offer clients Somatic Experiencing® and Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy skills in addition to MSTR® to allow for the safe and contained release of any difficult emotions that have become trapped in the damaged tissue. The work is taken slowly and respectfully to fully allow integration and resolution through the client’s nervous system.

The treatment of scar tissue is a vital element in the treatment of musculoskeletal and myofascial pain

Untreated scar tissue may inhibit other treatment applications from successful and longer-lasting outcomes. Psychological and emotional states may also improve as scar tissue is addressed and the client experiences better integration and normalisation of the tissues.

If scar tissue release and healing is something you would like to discuss, then please get in touch to arrange a free, confidential telephone call.

Please ensure that if you have any worries or concerns regarding your health, you contact your medical practitioner in the first instance.

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