
An Average Week in the Life of a Somatic Therapist

I am often asked who my ‘ideal client’ is. A better question would be, “Who are the people you help?”. Hopefully, this will go some way to help provide clarity and insight into the average week of a Somatic Therapist.

In an average week, I currently see 40% of clients in person. For the remaining 60%, their sessions are either online, on the telephone or fully remote. I try to ensure sessions are as convenient as possible for everyone by offering a variety of options without compromising quality. Over a week, usually from Monday to Thursday, I work with around 20 clients.

Chronic Conditions

Several clients suffer from a variety of Chronic Fatigue or Auto-Immune issues. These are all highly individual, as there will generally be a history of complex trauma, often from a very early age. I tend to see these clients either weekly or fortnightly. Quite often, I see these clients online, avoiding the anxiety and fatigue related to travelling for sessions. The work needs to be gentle and well-titrated to avoid overwhelming the nervous system.

Help Moving Forward

Clients will book appointments to help them move forward when, for various reasons, they may be feeling very stuck. Unable to let go of old behaviour patterns that are no longer relevant to their present lives, they get in touch for help to create the necessary shift. We can work together to resolve the energetic imprints of past events that have become trapped in their bodies. This allows them to discover that new options and pathways can become available for them.


Some clients will have regular appointments. These can be either monthly or every six weeks, to enable them to maintain their mobility and prevent any underlying complaints or age-related ailments from interfering with their quality of life. This could include those whose jobs or lifestyles are not necessarily compatible with their musculoskeletal or nervous systems and who wish to continue free from pain and anxiety.


For rehabilitation after an accident, injury or surgery, appointments may often be weekly or fortnightly after any required period of time recommended by your doctor. There is often a trauma component to consider in these instances. Any form of shock or pain can create a link from the area in question to the adrenals and other places in the body where shock may be stored. Facilitating the right way forward for each individual can require many elements.

Initially, I work with these clients to help resolve any related trauma, at the same time as facilitating healing, repair and mobilisation where necessary. Then, using my accumulated knowledge from many years of teaching Pilates and Yoga, I may suggest a gentle stretch or exercise, to help the client further. Another skill I have to offer is McLoughlin Scar Tissue Release. This can help any damaged tissue return close to its original elasticity even many years later. Read more about this here.

Pain-Related Emergencies

Usually, during a week, I will see one or two clients with acute pain-related issues. They could be someone with a sprained ankle. Or someone whose back has seized, rendering them unable to move or function normally. It could be someone whose neck problem is causing balance issues. Due to how our endocrine (hormonal) system functions, stress and anxiety can play a big part in whether or not our bodies become overwhelmed. Sometimes, just as much as a physical accident or injury can.

Treating Animals as a Somatic Therapist

One of the highlights of my week could be working with a pet or animal. As a somatic therapist, I aim to offer animals a similar level of service and outcome as my human clients, to the best of my ability and using the same therapies. Animal communication skills help with this. I can sense where they feel discomfort and receive insights into their emotional states. This helps me understand how they relate to their pain, in addition to the input from their carers.

Case Studies

I am currently undertaking one or two case studies per week for a course I recently attended. This particular training is something I will easily be able to integrate into some aspects of my work. I look forward to being able to do so once I have received my qualification.

The ability to provide support for such a wide range of clients is highly rewarding. I can do so because I have worked with movement and therapy modalities for the past 30 years. Somatic trauma healing work can be revolutionary for some clients. It can enable them to release layers of trauma that have built up, over time, from their bodies. Having the ability to hold space and presence for someone and facilitate as they discover a whole new way of being is a real privilege.

If you think you could benefit from working with a somatic therapist, please get in touch. Email or call me on 07747111040.

Please remember to check with your doctor or vet first if you have any concerns regarding the health of a family member or pet. Ytene Healing sessions are intended to complement, not replace, your relationship with your medical practitioner. If you have, or suspect you have, a health problem, please see your doctor.

© Ytene Healing® 2023